Colorful Background EXPO
Reentry Program
Summary of Program
Your past should never limit your future. There is often a negative stereotype that surrounds the label of “formerly incarcerated”. We’re looking to counter this way of thinking in every way possible.
Terri Minor Spencer coined the phrase, “Colorful Backgrounds,” to redefine what it means to be an individual who has been formerly incarcerated. It allows acknowledgment of the fact that everyone has a story, and at times, these stories, experiences, struggles, failures, and triumphs can at times create the most impactful legacies.
Colorful Background EXPO is a program chartered by West End P.O.W.E.R. and Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (P.I.I.N) to train formerly incarcerated people to organize for change in the criminal justice system and build their employment prospects with a 12-week class with courses on areas such as:
Job Readiness
Including resume writing and mock interviews
Basic Computer Skills
Including Internet Security, Social Media Basics and Google Workspace training
Community Organizing
Leadership Skills
Anger Management
Financial Literacy
Including Bank Account Basics, Budgeting and Credit Repair
Expungement Clinic
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